Digital services for pick-up and delivery of loading units

The U CHECK app supports customers and drivers at Terminal Busto Arsizio-Gallarate with a range of digital services, accessible from Apple and Android.


The services provided:

  • Access to information on the status of the loading unit such as departure, arrival, current position and ETP Estimated Time of Pick-up, based on user authorisations
  • Sharing of the driver's arrival time at the terminal
  • Digital shift management at counter for documentation and terminal access
  • Additional terminal information such as opening hours, scheduled and/or unscheduled closures, availability of services.
Scan the QR code to open the application


Strike in France hinders the introduction of a new intermodal link

The strike in France is making rail transport on European corridors through France very difficult. While train traffic on the Antwerp-Barcelona and Busto-Barcelona connections is severely reduced, we are unfortunately forced to postpone the launch of the new Perpignan-Köln link. The first departure was scheduled for 13 January 2020.

The project aims to transfer a large part of the traffic between the south of France and Germany to rail, with gateway connections to Scandinavia. Despite a long and accurate preparation period, we are only now receiving information from SNCF Reseau that, in connection with the strike, the train paths for the 5 weekly departures per hour cannot be confirmed.

It is Hupac's intention to offer a stable and high-performance service to European intermodal transport customers. The introduction of the service Perpignan-Cologne will therefore be postponed until March 2020.
